So we're a little late getting this blog up and running... We've been in China for three weeks now. As a result, I'll give a quick summary of our China adventure thus far:
The first weekend we were here we went for lunch on Saturday and got laughed at by everyone in the restaurant because we couldn't order (I don't blame them for laughing). Andrew's plan was to order by picture (good idea in theory); however, there weren't any pictures and we didn't have a plan B. I finally pointed at something other patrons were eating and that's what we got. The meal with two bottles of water was $1.60. I went back there a couple of days later since I thought the people may remember me and what I ordered. They remembered me, but not what I ordered. I showed them the photo from Sunday. While I was there, one of the patrons tried to strike up a conversation with me. I tried to explain in English that I don't speak Mandarin. This is the same patron who later spit on the restaurant floor. While I was eating I also heard someone in the kitchen cough and spit, very lovely. The standards are a bit different.
A picture of our hotel, The Inn Fine.
Our first Chinese meal & the restaurant where the "spitting" incident occurred.
Five Color City, a park and lots of bars.
We also quickly realized China's love for fireworks. They will light fireworks any time of the day for really any reason. For example, a grand opening of a new restaurant, a wedding celebration or for no reason at all, other than it's Friday night in Five Color City, right in the center of town. They don't seem too concerned with the potential hazardous of lighting fireworks in the city or smoking near them.
A man "watching" the fireworks while smoking.
A nighttime display just because.
When we first arrived we were in a hotel for 10 days while we were looking for an apartment. We looked at 13 options with our representative from Santa Fe. Her name was Salome. Salome is engaged and after learning I was engaged she took me to a bridal store where she rented her wedding gown for her engagement pictures. The wedding gowns are similar to what you would find in the U.S., but I didn't find any that I completely loved. Feeling guilty for not trying any on, I picked two, next thing I knew I was standing in only my underwear in the shop with the relo agent and two store workers. Privacy it seems is defined a little differently here.
We moved into our apartment, it is at a complex called Shama. It is a two bedroom, two bathroom apartment. We like it. There are definitely perks in living at Shama. They provide complimentary services, such as maid service six days a week, breakfast, espresso, coffee and tea 24 hours a day, and a gym. It is also very conveniently located to shopping, markets, and restaurants.
Exterior photo of our building.
Things are going well at Shama besides the ongoing fight with the wash/dryer. For some reason it likes to hold our clothes hostage. The first load we washed was washed three times because we couldn't get the door open. Finally this week I became so frustrated that I kicked (just lightly) and the door popped open. I think it realized who is boss.
Andrew went to get a haircut yesterday. He got a recommendation from a co-worker. I joined him after getting a manicure and pedicure (which is quite the deal here, only $16). When I walked in he had somewhat of a mohawk/fade style after a hour in her chair and he was asking for the hairdresser, 006, to take the clippers to his hair, which she was very reluctant to do. After the clippers he still has somewhat of a fade. Later we learned that he went to the correct place, but the wrong hairdresser. He should have gone to hairdresser 007.

We realized Halloween is a big deal among the ex-pats here. People begin planning their costumes a month in advance. Since getting things tailored made is relatively inexpensive, most people have their costumes made. Andrew came up with an idea to be contestants from Dancing with the Stars. (Although, I'm not exactly sure how he came up with that, since we don't watch the show and neither of us can dance.) Anyway... off to the tailor we went and thankfully he had a number of catalogs for us to choose. Our costumes turned out well. We had a great time last night at the Jayland Thriller Party. We're off to another Halloween party this evening. We're so fortunate to be able to wear these beautiful costumes twice.