On Saturday Owen was 12 weeks. We can't believe it; he's getting so big. He is typically a very happy and easy going baby. Although, if he's hungry or tried he needs to eat or be put down for a nap (Andrew says in this regard he's a lot like his mother). He has been putting his hands into his mouth and is interested in his feet lately. He's grabbed his foot twice. He also likes playing with his blanket and swatting at his toys on his activity mat. He thinks it is a lot of fun to put his blanket in his mouth. Peekaboo and singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider and Patty Cake with the motions are games he enjoys. He also likes to be read to. He is getting really strong; he enjoys sitting up and standing, but he's not really interested in rolling over yet.
We transitioned him to his crib at eleven weeks. The first night he slept in his crib was probably tougher for me than it was for him. He is now sleeping really good about 15 hours a day, which I attribute a lot to the strategies learned in the book "Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Baby." We follow a routine before naps and bed time and put him in his crib awake. He still likes to be swaddled. We've tried a couple different swaddles, but he still likes the SwaddleMe best.
I'm getting very excited for our trip to Minnesota in a couple of weeks. Owen and I will be there for 12 days. Andrew is only able to join us for 5 days. We will spend a weekend with friends and then 10 days with my family in Spring Valley. I'm really looking forward to introducing Owen to all of our friends and family.
One of the last naps in his swing |
He looks so small in his crib. Owen was not a fan of the Woombie. |
Look mom, I can grab my foot.
Owen enjoys facing forward in the Moby.
I like to sit. |
Look, I can kick my legs. |
Looking patriotic for his first 4th of July. |
Enjoying his first outdoor concert. |