Sunday, October 27, 2013

Rocking and Rolling

Literally, Owen is rocking and rolling. Our little boy is on the move. He is able to get wherever he wants to go by pivoting, rolling over and scooting backwards and in just the past few days he has be getting up on all fours and rocking. He also is doing a sort of side plank. He'll roll onto his side and rest there if that is the best view to see what he wants to see. On Friday, his day care lady said that she had him on the floor just before I arrived and he rolled himself over to the TV stand and started pushing buttons on the audio system and DVD player.

His interest in being on the move has already made diaper changing and getting him dressed and undressed extra fun. Yesterday I was attempting to change him and he rolled over to his stomach, got up on all fours and started rocking back and forth in a matter of seconds. It's probably time to move diaper changing to the floor and definitely time to baby proof.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

6 Months

Our little boy is half a year old. He's getting so big. He had his 6 month check up last Tuesday and he weighed 16 lbs 15.5 oz (43rd percentile) and was 27 1/8 long (76th percentile). He met all the 6th month milestones and the doctor said he was doing really well. 

Owen got his first tooth. We didn't even realize he was teething until I noticed on Saturday morning that it looked like he had a tooth almost popping through. By Monday, September 30, his bottom front tooth had popped through. He's now working on his second bottom tooth. Owen is sitting up by himself solidly for a few minutes at a time. He enjoys oatmeal cereal, but isn't sold quite yet on avocado or sweet potato. He slept 9.5 hours two nights in a row this past month, but other than that he's still waking 2 sometimes 3 times a night, usually around 11:00 p.m. & 4:30 a.m. and sometimes 1:00 a.m. or 2:30 a.m. He's a pretty easy going baby. He enjoys rolling around on the ground and watching kids play. His newest thing is to try to sit up. He will lift his head and legs and will do a crunch in an attempt to sit up. He's such a joy.

In other news, Owen officially has his first cold, poor little guy. He has a cough, is congested and is sneezing. Hopefully he'll feel better soon.


Owen and I went to the pumpkin patch this past week with a couple of mom's from my Baby Boot Camp class. One of the mom's had the genius idea to bring our baby's Halloween costume to take photos while we're there. Cuteness definitely ensued...

Owen didn't mind his costume, not even a little bit. The mane was flopping in his face, he didn't care.

For the record, Owen didn't push Henry over.

Owen meets Avocado

The day has finally come for Owen to try his first solid food. Tanya mashed up a slice of ripe avocado, what resulted was 18 minutes of strange faces, a confused baby, and for us a lot of fun. Owen wasn't sure what to think of the avocado. It ranged from him seemingly liking it in the beginning to him gagging on it. 

I was going to edit the video down, but got lazy, so you can watch all 18 minutes of it if you choose or just the high lights.... I'd recommend 0-2 minutes, minute 8 to hear him complaining, then to ~ minute 12 for more before heading to minute 17. But what do I know, I've watched the whole thing and posted it on the internet, I'm obviously biased. 

What do you mean "not milk"?

What the hell was that???
Am I supposed to swallow this?
Are you sure?

I don't know about this... 
Seriously... unsure 
Gimme more
Wait... it still tastes like before


Here, let me do it

I really don't know about all this... 

Ok, I guess it was alright