We recently attended a traditional Chinese wedding. Our friends Preston & Maria are American, but have lived in China for several years managing an English school called Jayland Learning. They decided to go all out and have guests dress in traditional Chinese dress and follow many Chinese wedding ceremony traditions that most don’t follow any longer. We had a great time.
Here are some photos from the day, which includes Andrew wearing a dress:
The procession. The bride was carried from her home to the venue
with the groom walking in front. |
Firecrackers shaped in a heart, notice the guy lighting
the firecrackers has a cigarette. |
The groom relieving the beautiful bride.
The bride's face was covered most of the ceremony. |
Andrew's dress was a favorite among male guests. |
The bride & groom & us. |
Andrew posing with his lunch crew. |
The banquet style reception. |
Enjoying the dinner. |
Trying a cold chicken foot (a favorite amongst the Chinese) & Andrew's look of disgust. |
Andrew not enjoying what he just placed in his mouth. |
Ha! I love the cold chicken foot picture - hilarious :)