Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Hookers

Being a stay-at-home fiance in China I frequently find myself having opportunities to do things I wouldn't have a chance to do as a career woman in the U.S.; one example is learning how to crochet. Leon's fabulous mom, Jacinta, visited from Ireland and she happens to be a fantastic crocheter and was more than happy to teach me and some friends the great life skill of crochet. I can't say I'm very good and it takes a lot longer than you think to make one tiny little square, but I'm hooked. It's another activity to fill my time. You never know, next I could be crocheting blankets and even moving on to knitting.
Of course we'd have wine at our crochet lesson.
I take crochet very seriously and so does Jacinta.


  1. That's so funny. I was just looking up instructions online last night to teach myself how to knit. Funny what you find to fill your days when not working. I've also learned to play Mahjong.

  2. I'll be looking for my crocheted baby blanket in the mail any day now :-)
