Friday, December 7, 2012
First Portland Run
Andrew and I participated in our first Portland race last weekend, with our friends Leon & Kevin, Rock & Flora and their children. It was the Winter Wonderland of Lights at the Portland International Raceway. The race track was decked out with Christmas lights. People can pay $19/vehicle to drive the two mile track to view the lights, we paid $35 to run the track and that included a t-shirt. Andrew chose to do the 2 mile run, which is once around the track and I did the 4 mile, twice around. Of course being Portland, as soon as we lined up to start the race it started to rain so it was a bit chilly, but a lot of fun.
My mom didn't think it was a very good idea that I was running, but I reminded her that when she was pregnant she was tossing hay bales.
We'll have to do it again next year with Pat in tow. Many moms and dads were pushing strollers or pulling wagons.
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Andrew was late so we played a little practical joke; I convinced him we were all dressed in ugly sweaters. He was less than pleased when he showed up in this beautiful sweater. |
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After the run, cold & wet, but happy. |
We'll have to do it again next year with Pat in tow. Many moms and dads were pushing strollers or pulling wagons.
Creepy Movember
Andrew participated in Movember, which is a month-long event where men don't shave their mustache to raise money for prostate cancer and other male cancers. Andrew raised over $1,350 so it was worth it, but let me tell you, he was looking super creppy for a month...
Thankfully November is over.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
20 Weeks
We reached the half way mark; I'm now 20 weeks and feeling great. Pat seems to be active. I can feel him kicking, which is a pretty cool experience. Andrew keeps hoping to feel him kick, but I understand it will be a number of weeks before he can feel him kick. I had a doctor's appointment this week and Pat's heart beat was 156 and the fundal height was 18 inches, which the doctor said is what it should be.
Off to Work I Go
As I've previously mentioned, I miss my career. When I got pregnant and realized we'd be in Portland less than 6 months before Pat arrived, I figured I wouldn't be able to find a job in my profession for a company that was willing to give me three months off in less than six months. I was a little worried about what I would do with myself for those six months because I knew I would want to be working. About a week after we arrived, and I wished I was working, I decided it couldn't hurt to look at job postings, maybe I'd get lucky. It could happen, right?
Well, I got lucky. Along with a handful of other jobs, I applied for a temporary part-time HR Generalist position with Adidas and I was hired. YAY!!! It's perfect; a great job for a fantastic company in an industry I feel right at home in, great people and a great schedule. I'm hopeful that this will create opportunities when I'm ready to return to work after Pat's born.
I have a lot to be thankful for.
A New Place to Call Home
Before moving to Portland we thought we'd live in downtown, that was before we knew what it cost to live in downtown Portland and how small the apartments were in our price range. Although we would like to live there, we decided a single family home just outside of Portland would be better than a tiny apartment and a long commute for Andrew with Pat on the way.
Fortunately we found a rental house in a neighborhood we like. It's an older home with 3 bedrooms, a 2 car garage, large backyard, and some character. We are happy to finally be getting settled into a place we can call all our own. We think we'll stay only a year or two, although after unpacking I hope we never move. You truly never understand how much stuff you own until you move and unpack.
Fortunately we found a rental house in a neighborhood we like. It's an older home with 3 bedrooms, a 2 car garage, large backyard, and some character. We are happy to finally be getting settled into a place we can call all our own. We think we'll stay only a year or two, although after unpacking I hope we never move. You truly never understand how much stuff you own until you move and unpack.
It's a...
We had our 2nd trimester ultrasound at 19 week. More importantly than finding out Pat's gender we we were told that everything looked "perfect." Which of course is exactly what expectant parents want to hear. His heart rate was 146 and he weighed three quarters of a pound.
Here are a few photos from the ultrasound:
We shared our news with friends and family in a number of creative ways (thanks to Pintrest and me having a lot of time on my hands):
Leon asked, "What's this on the inside." |
Her expression... priceless |
Our family in Minnesota had to blow up balloons to find out if Pat was a boy or girl:
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Week 18
I'm now 18 weeks pregnant, yah!
I had a doctor's appointment this week and Pat's heart rate was 140 bpm. I have gained about a pound since my appointment a month ago, which puts me at about 2 lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight (I lost a few pounds in the first trimester). I feel like I've gained more weight than that though. It must just be my muscles turning to fat. I think I was a bit naive to think that if I continued to work-out and be healthy I wouldn't gain fat around your whole middle. My body is definitely changing. However, I can't complain I have a beautiful little bundle of joy growing inside of me and I'm still just barely fitting into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes.
Thankfully I continue to feel well and am glad the 2nd trimester has restored my energy. The only little bit of trouble I'm having is not sleeping soundly. I'm trying to get use to sleeping on my side since I'm normally a back and stomach sleeper and between that, going to the restroom in the middle of the night and my helpful husband waking me by rubbing my stomach to get me to roll from my back to side, a restful night sleep doesn't come very easy. I look at it as training for the many restless nights ahead.
I also started prenatal yoga this week. I use to take Bikram/hot yoga classes, but never just yoga. It is a little out of my comfort zone being a bit hippyish but I enjoyed the first class.
I'm still very much enjoying cottage cheese, I eat a large container in about three days, and Tom & Jerry's Half Baked Ice Cream in moderation.
Next week we find out Pat's gender. We can't wait! Any guesses, boy or girl?
Go Winterhawks!
Last weekend we attended a minor league hockey game (or whatever an amerteaur hockey league is called), Portland Winterhawks, with Leon & Kevin. This probably wouldn't make too many people excited, but we were thrilled. This is something we dearly missed while living in China, e.g. live music, sporting events, basically activities that didn't involve solely spending time at a bar or restaurant or traveling, which is pretty much what occupied most of our time in China. We enjoyed the extremely overpriced beer (well Andrew enjoyed the beers) and the expensive parking for a couple of hours of watching a small puck slide around and men fight on an ice rink.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Pumpkin Carving Isn't Just for Kids
When you have a life of leisure sometimes you find yourself with extra time on your hands, as I did on Halloween. What to do, what to do? Why not carve pumpkins? Who said a child has to be involved to carve a pumpkin? I always enjoyed pumpkin carving as a child, why wouldn't I as an adult?
Thankfully my dear friend Leon also enjoys a life of leisure, and was willing to partake in this American Halloween tradition. See Leon is from Ireland and I understand that carving pumpkins isn't something those Irish usually partake in. I'm told a bonfire and heavy drinking is usually how they roll.
Mom Vehicle
Since we sold my compact Mazda 3 before we left for China, we were in need for a 2nd vehicle. (I had this grand idea that we could be a single car family for a few months since I wasn't working... Well that was a good idea in theory, but in reality it's not very practical for us. We ended up purchasing a vehicle only after 3 weeks in Portland.)
We considered a lot of different vehicles and spent hours test driving quite a few. In the end we decided a dependable used vehicle with a third row seat was best for our growing family. We ended up purchasing a 2010 Toyota Highlander.
We're officially a silver Toyota family.
I really like it, but without a child, two or three in tow, it feels a bit big for little ol' me. However, I'm sure soon it will feel just right or with maybe just a little big with just Pat.
Monday, October 22, 2012
15 Weeks
Now that I'm 15.5 weeks pregnant, I'm starting to feel 15 weeks pregnant and look pregnant, or a little chubby if you didn't know I was pregnant. In the first trimester I lost around three pounds due to the nausea and food aversions, but now I feel like I'm gaining a pound every day.
Since being pregnant, I've developed a taste for ice cream, much to Andrew's dismay and delight. (Andrew says he now understands why husbands gain weight when their wives are pregnant). I think I could have ice cream for breakfast, lunch, dinner and all snacks in between. I also am really enjoying cheese and Mexican food.
Since being pregnant, I've developed a taste for ice cream, much to Andrew's dismay and delight. (Andrew says he now understands why husbands gain weight when their wives are pregnant). I think I could have ice cream for breakfast, lunch, dinner and all snacks in between. I also am really enjoying cheese and Mexican food.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
One Year Later
Andrew and I celebrated our one year anniversary the day after we arrived in Portland. I can't believe it's already been a year. How things change in a year. A year ago we were in China and didn't know how much longer we would be there. Today we live someplace completely different and are 3.5 months pregnant. I'm looking forward to many more years to come.
We had a great day together and celebrated with dinner at a local restaurant..
We had a great day together and celebrated with dinner at a local restaurant..
Portland we have Arrived
After a pretty smooth departure from China and our last international flight for awhile, we finally arrived in Arizona. It was great to see Andrew's mom, Deborah, and visit good friends before departing for Portland. We were only in Arizona for four days before departing on a three day road trip in the Tacoma hauling a packed 5x8 foot trailer. We left in the afternoon on Thursday and drove six hours to Las Vegas. On the second day we drove 11 days to Boise, ID. We finally arrived to beautiful weather in Portland after a 7 hour drive on Saturday. The first weekend we enjoyed a delicious brunch with our good friends Leon & Kevin and the next weekend we enjoyed a beautiful hike at the Columbia Gorge. We were thankful to enjoy a week of beautiful Portland weather before the rain started.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
As I mentioned in the previous post, things are a changin' and I mean really changing... Andrew and I are expecting a baby. YAH! I'm due April 9, which makes me 15 weeks this week.
While in Malaysia I found out that I was pregnant. Andrew found out a little later in the day and I'm thankful I thought to video tape it:
I'm thankful that so far my pregnancy has gone pretty well. For about a month between week 6-10, I didn't feel very well. I didn't have morning sickness, I had all day sickness. I was nauseous morning to night. I had trouble in China satisfying my food cravings and due to the restrictive diet recommended for pregnant women, eating out was difficult. It was difficult because you don't exactly know what you are eating in Chinese restaurants and since my Chinese is less than proficient, I couldn't ask about ingredients and MSG is served in almost all restaurants.
We traveled to Hong Kong for my first trimester appointment. Intel recommends traveling to Hong Kong for prenatal care due to the lack of western medicine available in Dalian. My appointment was September 21, at 11 weeks and 3 days. The doctor was from Hong Kong, but trained in western medicine. While we were there we had an ultrasound. It was amazing to see our baby on a computer screen. The ultrasound was both 2D and 3D. Andrew was a little overwhelmed. He just started at the screen without any comments.
Prior to traveling to Hong Kong I traveled for a week with my friend Kristin. I had fondly called our baby "The Babe;" however that didn't meet Kristin's standards. She decided that a unisex name would be more appropriate. She considered a number before deciding on Pat. So our unborn is now fondly referred to as Pat.
Andrew and I are very excited to be expecting our first child. It is a very exciting time. We can't wait for Pat's arrival.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Things are a Changin'
So the time has come; the Bain's are leaving China. Andrew's accepted a position in Portland, OR with Intel and we're relocating there. We have enjoyed our time in China, but are very much looking forward to returning to the U.S., to be closer to family and friends and of course the much missed comforts of the U.S. We will miss our friends who will remain in China, although may of them have also returned to the U.S., our driver Zhao, the shopping, some of the food and upon reflection I'm sure some of the chaos.
A lot has happened in the two years that we've been here; we lost Andrew's dad, we got married, Andrew's been challenged in new ways everyday working in a different culture, and I've learned a thing or two about myself. I never thought I'd embrace spending a lot of time by myself, but have come to appreciate it. I am more confident traveling alone and acting as a travel guide to friends and family in a foreign country where I still don't speak the language. I've also become a knitter and sewer, basically Betty Homemaker.
We wouldn't trade this experience for anything and hopefully we'll have another opportunity in the future to live abroad, but for now we're more than ready to return to the U.S. and move to Portland.
A lot has happened in the two years that we've been here; we lost Andrew's dad, we got married, Andrew's been challenged in new ways everyday working in a different culture, and I've learned a thing or two about myself. I never thought I'd embrace spending a lot of time by myself, but have come to appreciate it. I am more confident traveling alone and acting as a travel guide to friends and family in a foreign country where I still don't speak the language. I've also become a knitter and sewer, basically Betty Homemaker.
We wouldn't trade this experience for anything and hopefully we'll have another opportunity in the future to live abroad, but for now we're more than ready to return to the U.S. and move to Portland.
Our Last China Holiday
A dear friend of ours, Kristin, crossed the ocean to visit last week. I met her in Beijing where we did a lot of shopping and a little sightseeing, flew to Huangshan to see the beautiful Huangshan mountain, took a 4.5 hour bus to Hangzhou and finally flew to Hong Kong to meet Andrew and complete our last China trip.
I'm so happy Kristin was able to visit. It was great to show her around the place we've called home for the past two years and spend quality time with her. I had a great time and I was sad to see her go today, but comforted by the fact that I'm not really saying goodbye, but see you soon since we're flying on a jet plane in two days back to the U.S. as well.
I'm so happy Kristin was able to visit. It was great to show her around the place we've called home for the past two years and spend quality time with her. I had a great time and I was sad to see her go today, but comforted by the fact that I'm not really saying goodbye, but see you soon since we're flying on a jet plane in two days back to the U.S. as well.
Kristin spinning the prayer wheel at the Lama Temple. |
Huangshan These workers are incredible: heavy loads, very steep steps and 100s of tourists. Not a fun job. |
Some found it very difficult to climb the stairs. |
West Lake, Hongzhou |
The view from Victoria Peak in Hong Kong. |
Hong Kong skyline at night. |
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