Monday, January 14, 2013

A Number of Baby Items

Since we're now in the third trimester I'm feeling a bit anxious to get everything ready for Pat's arrival, I think the technical term is "nesting." We cleaned out the the nursery this weekend and started to get organized. Andrew also put together the crib. His boss was getting rid of some baby stuff, including a crib, dresser/changing table combo, Baby Bjorn & Ergo Baby carriers, and a number of toys and offered them to us free of charge. It's like we hit the jackpot. I would have chosen a white crib and dresser and I can't convince my lovely husband to paint the ones we got (painting seems to be his least favorite DIY activity) so the light colored wood will do. The price is definitely right:)

I'm also always looking for a deal for baby items we know we will need, it seems these big ticket items NEVER go on sale.  Slowly, but surely we'll get everything. 

Putting together the Pack & Play Napper/Changer. Thankfully we weren't timed.


  1. It took 5 people to put together our pack 'n play for the first time! I just got a flyer in the mail last night that Babies 'R Us is having their 25% off trade in sale, even if you don't have something to trade in there is still a discount. Love the new belly pictures, you look great!
