Tuesday, March 26, 2013

37 Weeks

At my 36 week appointment I was dilated not quite one cm and was 50% effaced, YAY, that's something right? (Even though I know it really means nothing besides I will deliver this baby sometime in the next 2-3 weeks). The doctor also reported much to my satisfaction that the baby was head down. One week later there was no change, but I had gained 2.5 pounds between week 36 & 37, putting my weight gain at 26 pounds. I continue to feel well, but I'm tired, very tired. I also am short of breath walking from the parking garage, up two flights of stairs, across the road and to my desk each morning. I'm still working and planned on working up until Friday, April 5, although now I'm thinking I may be more comfortable working part-time the final week. I'm just so tired (I know, this is nothing to how I'll feel after the the little bundle of joy arrives and I'm waking at all hours to feed him.)

1 comment:

  1. Looking good Tanya!! I remember the short of breath thing - no fun. Take it easy :)
