Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Back to Work

Yesterday was my first day back at work. adidas extended me an offer for a regular full-time HR Generalist position when Owen was about one month old and the best part was they were willing to hold the position for me while I took a six month leave. I'll be working three days a week for the next month and then I will be back full-time. Over the past month I've had my doubts if I made the right decision to return to work. I've always been career minded, have really enjoyed my profession and liked working for adidas, but just the thought of bringing Owen to day care and being away from him all day almost brought me to tears. I believe a woman should do whatever makes her happy, work outside of the home or stay at home; a happy mom makes for a happy baby. The million dollar question is am I a happy mom working or staying home? Thankfully I'm fortunate to have the opportunity to discover what will make me happy.

It was incredibly hard to drop the little boy who I love so much, enjoy spending time with and haven't spent an entire day apart from off at day care. I t  w a s  t o u g h. I think I was only able to do so because of my incredibly supportive and amazing husband who hashed and rehashed the topic with me over the past months and assured me that it would all be okay and Owen would still remember who I was at the end of the day and that we found a day care provider, Ms. Kristen, who we really like and think Owen will like as well. 

After basically handing Owen to Ms. Kristen and bolting for the door because I was starting to cry and crying in my car on the way to work, I was able to hold it together for the rest of the day. It helped that I was incredibly busy and got frequent updates and a photo from Ms. Kristen. It looked and sounded like Owen was having a good day. He didn't sleep much, only three 30 minute naps and didn't eat much, 5 oz, but he didn't cry all day and was in a good mood.

Doesn't he look happy?

1 comment:

  1. Look at you with all the new blog posts! Owen does look happy - good luck on your first week back!
