Thursday, March 15, 2012

TIC (This is China)

I haven't been feeling well lately so I went to the Intel Medical office to see the Doctor. The Western Doctor ran a test and said "Well, the test results came back fine, but I wonder about the machine, I don't think it's been working well, I think it needs to be looked at, so I'm going to treat you with antibiotics anyway if you're okay with that." He then gave me the name of the antibiotics and gave me this:


Farmer's Lunch

Last week my good friend Cindy asked if I wanted to have a farmer's lunch with her and some friends. The "restaurant" was at the farmer's home. We actually ate on his bed (not a Western bed, but a traditional Chinese wooden platform bed which is heated underneath in the winter by a fire). We had a whole chopped chicken stew, corn bread, tofu, potatoes, a whole fish and fresh vegetables. It was quite delicious, except I wasn't much into the whole chopped chicken, the flavor was good, but the chicken claw threw me off. 

Una, Nana & Cindy eating lunch on the farmer's bed.
Me & our driver Zhao.
The food

Chinese Dance

On International Women's Day (yes, there is such a holiday, Russian's even get the day off of work to celebrate, see Wikipedia) a local women's group sponsor an event to recognize local women. Local officials join in the festivities, TV crews tape the event to highlight it on the evening news and of course a banquet dinner follows. Of course, in Chinese fashion, there are typically performances and this year I was part of a performance. Yes, that's right me.  

About a month ago a friend asked if I'd like to participate with eight other Western women. We were told we were going to perform with a group of Chinese dancers. I thought hey, why not dress up in a Chinese costume and do a dance in front of 100 people. For four weeks we practiced twice a week with a Chinese teacher who doesn't speak any English in preparation for our big day. 

When the big day came,  I'd say we were much less impressive than the cute 10 year-olds dancers and the drum corps, but I held my flute and smiled while I twirled on stage in celebration of International Women's Day. 

Ready to perform sans the wooden flute.
(The costume is really flattering, I know.)