Tuesday, January 29, 2013

30 Weeks

I'm 30 weeks this week. There's no denying it, I'm pregnant. I had an appointment today and the doctor said everything looks perfect, (I don't grow tired of hearing that). My appointments will now be about every two weeks. Pat's heart rate was 145, although the doctor said it was difficult to measure since he was moving all over the place. He is a very active little boy. My guess is that if he's anything like Andrew and I as children, that won't change. It's comforting to frequently feel him move. I've gained 3 lbs from my last appointment, totaling a gain for 16 lbs. I found a great prenatal yoga instructor and am enjoying going to the class 1-2 times per week. I'm also continuing to work out at work during lunch and do my pregnancy workout DVD, which now that I'm in the third trimester most of the "workout" is done seated. I also found a prenatal water fitness class that I plan to start taking in the next week after my lovely prego swimming suit arrives. I'm thankful that I continue to fell well, except tired.

Andrew and I are now three weeks into our comprehensive childbirth, infant care and breastfeeding class. Overall it is a very good course. Andrew is less than enthused to go each Tuesday, but I think he's learning a thing or two, although he probably wouldn't admit it.

I ordered material to make a bed skirt, curtains and a book sling (kind of like a book shelf). These projects will definitely put my sewing skills to the test. The primary colors for the nursery are grey, white, mustard yellow & navy. I'm hopeful that everything will come together nicely. Photos to come once it is finished.

Monday, January 14, 2013

A Number of Baby Items

Since we're now in the third trimester I'm feeling a bit anxious to get everything ready for Pat's arrival, I think the technical term is "nesting." We cleaned out the the nursery this weekend and started to get organized. Andrew also put together the crib. His boss was getting rid of some baby stuff, including a crib, dresser/changing table combo, Baby Bjorn & Ergo Baby carriers, and a number of toys and offered them to us free of charge. It's like we hit the jackpot. I would have chosen a white crib and dresser and I can't convince my lovely husband to paint the ones we got (painting seems to be his least favorite DIY activity) so the light colored wood will do. The price is definitely right:)

I'm also always looking for a deal for baby items we know we will need, it seems these big ticket items NEVER go on sale.  Slowly, but surely we'll get everything. 

Putting together the Pack & Play Napper/Changer. Thankfully we weren't timed.

27 Weeks

We reached the third trimester, YAY!! We're getting even more excited. I'm definitely feeling pregnant now. I feel like my stomach has doubled in size over the past two weeks. I had an appointment last Thursday; I've gained 13 lbs and Pat's heart rate was 170, the highest it's been, but my doctor said that he's just active. She said everything looks perfect. My appointments are now every three weeks. Pat is definitely a mover and a shaker. He is most active in the late afternoon and late evening. My glucose test came back fine, but I am slightly anemic, which I learned 50% of pregnant women are at some point during their pregnancy. I simply have to take an iron supplement once daily. I've been feeling extremely tired lately, which can be a symptom of iron deficiency.  I continue to work out, usually at lunch while at work, a HUGE benefit of working for adidas- great onsite gym, which employees are encouraged to use during the working day, and taking prenatal yoga, which I continue to enjoy.

Who doesn't love a baby shower?

While I was home I was fortunate to have two showers hosted in my honor. The first was hosted by my dad's brothers and sisters and the second was hosted by my wonderful & talented sister. We played games, talked baby, oohed & ahhed over all the cute baby gifts we got. It was a lot of fun. We got soo many gifts we had to check in a box on our flight home. We are fortunate to have such generous and kind friends and family. We're very grateful.

A must have for all babies.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Christmas MN Style

We traveled to Minnesota to spend time with my side of the family over the holidays. We were in Minnesota for 10 fun filled days. Mostly we hung out at my sister, mom and brother's houses playing with my five lovely nieces and nephews. 

The first day in Minnesota we watched my busy nephews Parker, 4, and Kellin, 18 months. At one point during the day, Parker had informed us that he pooped and Andrew looked at me with terror asking if that meant he had to wipe his butt. I informed him that was the case since I was busy. Andrew went to the bathroom to assist Parker, but quickly turned around with the same look of terror on his face. He said he just wasn't ready for that.  At the end of that first day Andrew commented about how our lives were about to change and then asked if Pat could "just stay in there." I informed him it was a little too late for that. Towards the end of our time in MN, Andrew seemed a bit overwhelmed with the busyness of at least five young children running around, but he handled it like a champ, playing games, sledding and even a trip to DQ. I reassured him that there is a difference between one child and five. That seemed to help a little bit.

While we were home we also got a lesson on childbirth from my third nephew Dylan, 4. He explained how babies were born. He said mommies get bigger and bigger and then they explode, that's how babies are born. If only it were that easy.

We were also fortunate to meet up with a couple of really great long time friends for too short of visits.  It was great to be home for Christmas.

Kaylie (7) entertaining us on Christmas Eve with a piano song
Mickenzie (8) & Kaylie opening gifts bright and early on Christmas morning

D family on Christmas morning
Dylan modeling the hat I knitted for him
Grandma & Grandpa with some of their grandchildren
Andrew armed & protected for a nerf gun fight
Kellin loved looking at the baby. He thought it was hilarious for some reason.
Tisha & Kellin
Dylan & Andrew relaxing
China pajamas

Kaylie teaching Grandma a thing or two on the iPad
Andrew showing us his moves.
The cutest good-bye card ever. Makes it so hard to be so many miles away.