Monday, February 20, 2012

Company Holiday Party... Sort Of

In China, it is expected that employers will have an annual party around Chinese New Year. I was thinking the annual party was similar to an American holiday party, which it is, but I found out that there are several major differences:
  • Spouses aren't usually invited to annual parties
  • Extravagance is key in planning an annual party, i.e. lights, music, an MC and involved
  • A sort of non-competitive talent show/performance where employees display their artistic talents, dancing or singing, is part of the event
  • Management is expected to participate in the talent show
  • Some of the outfits worn by participants may be deemed inappropriate for a strip club company event by our modest American standards
As an Intel manager, Andrew was strongly encouraged to participate in a performance. Needless to say, he was less than elated. Many of you may know Andrew isn't much of a dancer. Usually if I see him dancing, it's a sign that he's had too much to drink. But, he's a trooper and he put a smile on his face and participated. After the event he was told by a number of co-workers that he was given the title of the worst dancer. I don't think that's possible... 

1 comment:

  1. You're going to mention that video of him dancing exists, and you're not posting it?! Come on!
