Tuesday, September 17, 2013

5 Months

Things we've learned about Owen now that he's five months:

1. He's rolling all over the place, scooting a bit, and is sitting for 10-15 seconds, but hasn't quite mastered sitting up or crawling.

2. Pulling off his socks is his new favorite game.

3. He likes to be read to and enjoys peek-a-boo, patty cake & the Itsy Bitsy Spider.

4. Owen has developed a fear of the hair dryer. I can sometimes talk him down, but usually he gets a really sad look on his face and starts to cry about 30 seconds after I turn it on.

5. His newest motions are to chomp like he's chewing gum and if he gets excited he'll squeeze his hands tightly and stick his hands out to his sides while making a squealing noise.

6. Owen's new bath time ritual is to suck on a washcloth in the bath. He frequently sucks to much water and coughs. He thinks the washcloth is pretty great, and will try to take mine if he's dropped his.

We conquered sleep training this past month and it is no fun for baby or parents. After our trip to Canada we decided it was time to teach Owen how to fall asleep by himself. Our prior routine was to bounce him for a few minutes on the exercise ball while singing him a lullaby and then put him into his crib awake and he'd fall asleep. Well at about 3.5 months that no longer worked. The second my butt left the exercise ball he started screaming. We were getting played. Thankfully after the dreaded sleep training, which based on stories I've been told we had it pretty easy, we have a little boy who quietly puts himself to sleep by having a short conversation with himself. It's pretty darn cute to listen to him. At some point we'll consider training him to sleep longer than 3.5-4 hours at a stretch at night...

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