Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Good Bye Zhao

As I mentioned before, Intel expat families are given a 24x7 driver and car since they discourage Intel families from driving in China due to safety reasons. Also, it is illegal for foreigners to drive in China without a Chinese driver's license. There are pros and cons to being chauffeured and we've come to realize that if you have a bad driver, the con list can outweigh the pro list and definitely have a negative impact on your China experience. After the first 5 months of a not so good driver, we were lucky enough to find our current driver, Zhao. He  absolutely is the best driver any family could ask for. Most importantly he's a safe driver, but he's also polite, punctual,  friendly, smart, non-smoker, and he doesn't smell. 

With out assignment coming to an end we contacted the driver/car vendor and recommended Zhao for another assignment since we were hoping he would immediately be placed with another Intel family. A week ago he was reassigned to another family with only two weeks left to our assignment. We were thrilled that he was placed with another family, but were very sad to see him go. He'll definitely be missed. 

With him departing we're realizing that it's actually happening, we're moving home...

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