Thursday, September 27, 2012

Things are a Changin'

So the time has come; the Bain's are leaving China. Andrew's accepted a position in Portland, OR with Intel and we're relocating there. We have enjoyed our time in China, but are very much looking forward to returning to the U.S., to be closer to family and friends and of course the much missed comforts of the U.S. We will miss our friends who will remain in China, although may of them have also returned to the U.S., our driver Zhao, the shopping, some of the food and upon reflection I'm sure some of the chaos.

A lot has happened in the two years that we've been here; we lost Andrew's dad, we got married, Andrew's been challenged in new ways everyday working in a different culture, and I've learned a thing or two about myself. I never thought I'd embrace spending a lot of time by myself, but have come to appreciate it. I am more confident traveling alone and acting as a travel guide to friends and family in a foreign country where I still don't speak the language. I've also become a knitter and sewer, basically Betty Homemaker. 

We wouldn't trade this experience for anything and hopefully we'll have another opportunity in the future to live abroad, but for now we're more than ready to return to the U.S. and move to Portland.


  1. Enjoy the adjustment back, Tanya and thanks so much for posting about your China experiences. It was great to see a little of the culture and your life. All the best to you both!!
