Thursday, November 29, 2012

A New Place to Call Home

Before moving to Portland we thought we'd live in downtown, that was before we knew what it cost to live in downtown Portland and how small the apartments were in our price range. Although we would like to live there, we decided a single family home  just outside of Portland would be better than a tiny apartment and a long commute for Andrew with Pat on the way.

Fortunately we found a rental house in a neighborhood we like. It's an older home with 3 bedrooms, a 2 car garage, large backyard, and some character. We are happy to finally be getting settled into a place we can call all our own. We think we'll stay only a year or two, although after unpacking I hope we never move. You truly never understand how much stuff you own until you move and unpack.


  1. Ditto Richelle - looks like a great little house to bring Pat home to :)
